Friday, August 19, 2011

Mommy...who is God?

Bennett asked me this question yesterday morning while I was feeding him breakfast, before I could respond he moved on to his second question...Where does he live?....and before I could answer this questions he asked yet another question...Is he really big and is he everywhere?
How in the world do you answer these questions for a 3 year old? I have been thinking about what my answers should have been and I still don't know exactly what I should have said. 

My answer went something like this...God is, everywhere...and he lives in the sky. He is very big and that is how he created the sun and the moon and then Bennett interrupted "did he make the ocean?" I said yes! He made everything...even you in my belly! You know what else? He loves you very much! His reply was simple...WOW! Then, he moved on to whatever he was doing satisfied with my answer.

I am still struggling with his first question, obviously I did not answer it! Who is God?  Really, who is God for a 3 year old? I know who God is for me, My Father... my strength... my shield! I pray that soon I can help Bennett better understand and mostly experience Who God is in his life.
This is God making Bennett!

Phew!! Will there be more tricky questions like this? I can only imagine

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