Friday, April 23, 2010


Mount St. Helen pictures from USDA Forest Services

I wonder how many people realized it was Earth Day sometime last week...what is Earth Day anyway? So, I did what everone else does and I went online and typed "What is E.D"?

Here is what I came up with:
Established in March 1970, "a global holiday to celebrate the wonder of life in our planet"...The wonder of life in our planet...

I went on with my search and found another website that says "the world is in greater peril than ever and that climate change is the "greatest challenge of our time" and it blames humankind for it.

Also found that most of the research was biased and manipulated...the evidence that does exist does not justify the social, economic cost of reducing CO2 emissions.

So, my questions are:
Are we celebrating the wonder of this planet?
No, I don't think we we ever stop and think why we recycle...don't use or try not to use paper towels...etc? I don't, maybe you do... When I see a beautiful animal, a beautiful sunset, a beautiful flower I do think...WOW!!! there is a God who created this....Am I celebrating the wonder of life on this planet when I think that....I don't know.

Is the world in greater peril than ever and is humankind to blame?
No, I think we would think too much of ourselves to remotely think that anything that we do can have an impact...I mean a real impact on our planet...

For instance, when Mount St. Helen erupted in WA. Its cloud covered the earth ..."THE EARTH" in 15 days, the blast was 400 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that leveled Hiroshima. It blew down enough trees to build 300,000 two-bedroom homes. Nearly 7,000 big game animals (deer, elk and bear) perished.
Did we cause Mt. St. Helen to erupt? No.....Can humankind cause this kind of disaster from CO2 emissions....Come on!!!...Rest my case....

Is this all false and a political platform to make a lot of money for some?

So, should we celebrate Earth Day? Yes, absolutely we should...for what it is....Celebrating the wonder of life on this planet...not throwing away my son's crayons for ones that have no petroleum in them...among other crazy things like that...

I think its about being a responsible adult and doing what is right...teaching our children to appreciate and respect others and our differences, nature, animals and to not be wasteful of the resources we have been given but, preserving them for others to enjoy. So, to me it boils down to teach our children to do what is right....Isn't that what we are supposed to do anyway?

I am sorry if many disagree, I realize this is a touchy subject...I welcome any comments...just don't be mad...:)

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