Friday, March 30, 2012


Yalcoba is one of the villages we visited. I have been there before and enjoy it very much. Most of these villages have something special one way or another, good or bad. The Mayan population is very sweet, they are very warm, welcoming and loving people. 

When we got to Yalcoba, we were greeted by many people. One of those people, is a gentleman from the US who has made Yalcoba his home. After he retired, he moved there with his parents because he fell in love with the people there and I am sure his money goes a long way there.
He has worked with us before and he was wanting to show us what he had been working on...a school to teach kids English. Why? so they can get better jobs at resorts or as waiters in restaurants. So, we went to see the school and oh my! we were so impressed by the kids and their eagerness to learn! There are no chalkboards, they write everything on the walls, when they are done learning what is written on the walls, they paint over them and start over! He charges them $1 a month and they have class twice a week for one hour.

Kids are different ages 
Check out the hammock for the teacher!

We were there with the "C" boys and I think they were a bit surprised! I know I was! 

On this trip, I played more with the kids and did less dentistry. I was actually looking forward to that! I love making the kiddos happy and giving them something to look forward to.

 We did not have enough soccer balls to give to all the kids so, we organized a soccer tournament, we had 3 teams of 10 children, boys and girls. The winners took the soccer ball and promised they would each have them one week. This picture below shows the children playing, you can't quite see their feet but some of them were playing without shoes, running on hot rocks!

No gatorade, smart water or even plain water for these kids! No soccer moms with tents, fruit and ice chests full of drinks!

After the game, the kids that did not get the ball got presents anyway, we gave away toys, flip flops, necklaces and lots and lots of Love!

To say that doing dentistry in these circumstances is challenging is an understatement, after you are done you feel like someone used your back as a punching bag! We get better at it every time, soon enough we will be able to do some fillings as well.

We always have an audience, everyone wants to watch!

If you have never done a mission trip, consider it and consider taking your family, it will change the way you see many things and it will make your family bond stronger.
More to come!

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