Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mission Trip Valladolid 2012

We arrived late last night. After spending 2 hours in customs trying to get all our equipment through. Ten (10) checked suitcases, 3 car seats, 2 strollers, 1 diaper bag, 2 backpacks AND 3 children (4 and younger). That in itself was a challenge!

Does this look fun or what?

We arrived at the hospital to dropped off the equipment at 9 pm, to my surprise there were already about 10 people waiting for consultations for the next day.
Greg unloading equipment..bad picture...too tired!

 They would spend the night sitting on plastic chairs outside the hospital for the chance to be seen first.

Arrived at the hotel, cleaned up a bit or a lot, bathed kids, killed about 15 mosquitoes in the room and attempted to sleep. Needless to say, I could not...

This morning, we woke up... No...Bennett woke up at 6 am, whispering to his dad "daddy, I am soooo hungry" needless to say, soon after that, we were all up!

We assembled the equipment with minor set backs and we are almost ready to go. The other part of the team arrived late and finished initial patient consultations around 10 pm.

The kiddos were out of sorts today but did soo well, they are amazed by the bugs and animals, they are taking it all in and being as good as they can be for their age.  I am always humbled to see how God provides for all our needs and how His hand is in everything.

Today, my children had gummy life savers, m&m's, lots of cookies and Bennett even managed to "steal" a drink or 2 of coke that was on the table. Oh.. well! The worst part of it is that I did not brush their teeth tonight! I feel so awful! I am awful!

This is a special trip for me as a family from our church decided to join us! They are also my patients and I am thrilled to have them here, the boys are so sweet and Amy is wonderful! I can't wait to see how God will touch their hearts as they serve those that have very little.

I will keep posting as much as possible. Please pray for God's hand to be over the doctors and the patients and that we may transmit the love of God and make a difference in their lives!
Until tomorrow!

XO, Dr.L

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