Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Miss My Husband

Being a mom is great. Greatest joy I have ever felt, greatest fear, greatest accomplishment, greatest worry...greatest everything but, once babies come into the picture your relationship with your husband changes. Having said that, I don't mean that it changes in a bad way, it is just different, you are both going in different directions, you do this while I do that, you clean the vomit while I bathe whoever is throwing up at the time. Always one going right and one going left. 

I  love Greg more now than I did when I married him, I love him, among many  other things, because he is such a great dad. He loves on them but he is also tough which I think is good for them too.

But, my oh my!! I miss my baby. I miss our morning jogs, I miss our couch time, I miss movies, long dinners, trips, watching football together, taking naps...Oh ! I can go on and on and on...
I absolutely want to make sure that I do everything I can so  HE knows that he is the only boy in the world for me.

As you know and I am kind of learning this as I go and as our family grows,  it takes work to keep the fire get so busy that you don't realize that you haven't kissed or told each other something doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen.

I have always loved football and now that the season started it is a great time for us...we don't sit on the couch to watch football anymore but, we have televisions that are strategically placed so we can play with the boys, color, read books and catch a little football. You do what you can!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog post, Lidieth. It's simple and sweet! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
