Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When life is not fair

I have seen my husband cry 3 times since we met. When his dad passed away, when one of his best friend's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer (5 months ago) and today, when her husband, his friend was diagnosed with colon cancer. What are the chances of  a couple, two wonderful and I truly mean wonderful, loving people get diagnosed with cancer at the same time?

I just can not wrap my head around the thought  of them not being around for their 3 children, it  makes me sick to my stomach. They are fighting the fight of their life and for their life and I hope and I pray and ask the Lord from the bottom of my heart to let them win because the world is better and life is better for those who know them with them in it. 

My mom always told me, life is not fair...and it is not.... but, we are here and it is the way that we decide to live our lives that will make us or break us. I know for our friends, probably this will make their love for each other grow even more.  For us, a good reminder of how precious and fragile life is.

So, tonight would you please say a prayer for our friends D & B. Kiss your hubby, tell him you love him and appreciate him and love on your babies a little more...because you don't know what tomorrow may bring. 


  1. So sad, the prayers are already in progress!!

    As we have learned in our family, Cancer is an equal opportunity offender. It is HORRIBLE and it rarely makes sense. I am so sorry for your husband's sadness and his friends. I will make sure that we include them in our prayers and I will ask the prayer groups praying for Ashley to include them as well. May God be with them as they fight this monster CANCER, I will also say a prayer for their children that they will enjoy long healthy lives with their parents.

    Thinking of you.

  2. Hey girl,
    I have been thinking about you and praying for you are you holding up? Anything I can do for you besides pray?
    How is Ashley doing with her treatment and how is her spirit holding up?
    Would love to hear from you, but don't feel email
    Lots of love and prayers
