Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Mission Trip

A Beautiful Sunset in Valladolid

 There is so much to say about this trip that I will have to spend quite some time writing what happened, how lives were changed, how friendships were born, how love grew among our group and how we, the ones that were there to serve, where the ones that were served and how we were blessed far more than the patients and children we served.

To say that I am grateful for the opportunity is an understatement, I now have friends that are my brothers and sisters  and my heart is overflowing with joy.

We did a Vacation Bible school for almost 500 children!

We completed 2 construction projects

We did crafts

We loved on them

....and they loved on us!

We built friendships that will last a lifetime

We visited a jail. We provided dental work and our church band played for the inmates and their families!
We shared with them, they shared with us, we cried together and laughed together!

Saw patients that suffer from conditions that are much easier treated in the US that we could not do much for in Mexico! Which....kills me!

We helped upgrade the hospital from the 1970's crash cart they had to a newer model!

 and...this is exactly how I felt at the end of the day...every day! Just like Bennett is......passed out on Greg's lap. Except I had to bathe kids and put them to sleep before I could pass out myself!

 So...long story was wonderful, possibly my favorite mission trip ever, it will be hard to beat but, I am going to try! I will post more on the story of the little girl with cataracts.
Thank you for asking about my trip and encouraging are all awesome!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Baby is UNO!

Who said long days...short years? sooo true!!!!!!
I feel I just had my baby girl and now she is one!! Happy Birthday sweet baby!