Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life is full of surprises ....and lessons!

First, an apology. I have been so busy for so many reasons I have not had time to sit at my computer and blog. It is crazy to think that you don't even have 5 minutes to do this but, I am so tired at the end of the day that I just want my bed. So, here I am again. Let's keep sharing....

I am a planner and I don't like surprises. I want everything under control at my office at home and with my kids...and husband :) I guess you can call me a control freak. My sisters and brothers all agree I am simply a freak!

God amazes me as he always has these funny ways of sharing little secrets with me like....You are not in control! I should just write it 1000 times and see if that helps.  I just have to understand, accept and KNOW that I am in control of nothing. He is in control of everything and against all odds I am pregnant...AGAIN! Yes, ladies.... again., Yes, I am crazy, Yes, my babies will only be 14 months apart and YES! ......I do know how this happens I just thought it never would without the help of my reproductive endocrinologist.

It is just hilarious to see your faces when you come in the office, look at me then the belly and say "ARE YOU PREGNANT.....AGAIN?! I just love it !!!  So, I guess I am not busy enough and now I have to get into pink, dance, princess stuff and all because IT IS A GIRL!

So, stay tuned this is about to get a lot more exciting and scary at the same time. I can only say God is soo good, His will is perfect and I am totally happy (after a few...ok, more than a few tears) with the idea of having a little girl to raise and love...and fight with when she is a teenager. I can hardly wait.

My boys are growing so fast!

 3 boys that I adore
Thanks for visiting
xoxo, L